Barbie Reject Handmade Geekery
by Shirley Katz

Made out of real comic books! Left to Right 1. Wonder Woman 2. Batgirl 3. Supergirl vs. Superman 4. Batgirl Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Made out of real comic books! Left to Right 1. Wonder Woman 2. Batgirl 3. Supergirl vs. Superman 4. Batgirl Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Made out of real comic books! Left to Right 1. Wonder Woman 2. Batgirl 3. Supergirl vs. Superman 4. Batgirl Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Deciding between my top comic choices.

Shoe #1 took two days to complete

A better look at the detailed Wonder Woman collage

The final look. I'm extremely pleased with how they turned out! Comic Book Shoe Orders Coming Soon :)

I handsewed these custom capes for Uber (

Since Uber is a private driver dispatch service, I wanted to accent the capes with a fancy collar and bow tie.

Collared Cape Front View. Note: Handsome man in picture is already spoken for.

They turned out pretty darn fancy! For cape order info, please use the contact page.

Looking to upscale that t-shirt or dress with something fancy? This is a one-of-a-kind upcycled men's tie turned necklace that is sure to turn some heads. It also comes with a matching bracelet :) Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Looking to upscale that t-shirt or dress with something fancy? This is a one-of-a-kind upcycled men's tie turned necklace that is sure to turn some heads. It also comes with a matching bracelet :) Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Looking to upscale that t-shirt or dress with something fancy? These are one-of-a-kind upcycled men's ties turned necklaces. They also come with a matching bracelets :) Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Looking to upscale that t-shirt or dress with something fancy? This is a one-of-a-kind upcycled men's tie turned necklace that is sure to turn some heads. It also comes with a matching bracelet :) Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Looking to upscale that t-shirt or dress with something fancy? This is a one-of-a-kind upcycled men's tie turned necklace that is sure to turn some heads. It also comes with a matching bracelet :) Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Looking to upscale that t-shirt or dress with something fancy? This is a one-of-a-kind upcycled men's tie turned necklace that is sure to turn some heads. It also comes with a matching bracelet :) Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Looking to upscale that t-shirt or dress with something fancy? This is a one-of-a-kind upcycled men's tie turned necklace that is sure to turn some heads. It also comes with a matching bracelet :) Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Looking to upscale that t-shirt or dress with something fancy? This is a one-of-a-kind upcycled men's tie turned necklace that is sure to turn some heads. It also comes with a matching bracelet :) Check out my Etsy Store for Item Availability

Getting Started

Final look close-up. Not For Sale

Complete look with two front pockets

Static button crossover with tie belt